Ed. Note:
Good Article Directories are not perfectly neat and orderly and organized (though hopefully they aim in that direction), but rather are a lot like life: tangled up, overlapping and inconsistent! Several articles, for instance, are primarily about Sarah Palin but mention Barack Obama. If the mention is substantive, the article will probably show up on both directories. If mention was made only in passing, the directory will probably pass him by as well.
Most helpful [not :-)] Irish (Belfast) response to an American's complaint that he'd lost his job:
"Well, Obama is looking for people who know how to pay tax."
``````````````````Still Construction Zone! Please Drive Carefully :-)``````````````````

....................................................PRESIDENT OBAMA.........................................................
An unlikelier scenario is difficult to imagine. If presented to a publisher as a potential novel or a producer as a potential movie; the writer would have been laughed out of the room.
It isn't amazing that we have a black President. Colin Powell probably could have had the position if he'd wanted it. [But see: General Powell; Fatally Flawed] Nor, following the disastrous and frankly stupid actions of his predecessor who claimed to be the "most like Ronald Reagan" since, well, since Ronald Reagan, it is not surprising that we elected the most left-wing President in history. Some of his horrendous Big Government cradle-to-grave welfarism and similar proposals are simply unthinkable, which is primarily why I opposed his election.
[In fairness, George W. Bush invaded a country that didn't even have a saber to rattle at us and plunged the U.S. into a morass in Iraq (shocking and awing, apparently, only Bush and his advisers. Bush really thought it was "over" when he boarded the aircraft carrier beneath the "Mission Accomplished" banner; a level of ignorance that is way beyond shocking and awful.) He destroyed the government's balanced budget and financial stability and crashed the country into what isn't (yet) called a major Depression (seniors who lost half of their life savings with the 401K crash aren't as bashful), all because of delusional idiocies and listening to delusional idiots, was at least as unthinkable.]
The possibility remains that, like Bill Clinton, Obama will be a surprise and do some things that only a "liberal" could do to right our economic ship of state. Sort of the "only Nixon could go to China" concept. We shall see.
[Just click article titles, below]
1]~ Palin Potshots - Mythed Again ....................................September 17, 2008
2]~ Obama Advertising .....................................................September 21, 2008
3]~ Let Sarah Be Sarah .....................................................September 27, 2008
4]~ The Three A.M. Phone Call .........................................October 6, 2008
5]~ McBama the Debate .....................................................................October 7, 2008
6) Obama Coming at You !
Overview Commentary:
Obama was elected by the media. If it doesn't scare you that the punditocracy has that much power, it should.
He may turn out to be a great president. But that has nothing to do with the fact that if the media (and I include the "co-opted blogosphere" -- those with links and revenue deals with the "old-fashioned" media) hadn't been his combination cheerleaders and bodyguards, I don't think he'd have had a realistic chance at the office ... at least not this time around. In four years with a little seasoning, maybe. But he was handled with kid gloves while Hillary was shredded and McCain largely ignored. Bizarrely, Obama's only real competition (after ousting Hillary) was Sarah Palin who, despite awesome charisma, an uncanny ability to connect with the everyday voter and enormous positive qualities, was sufficiently unknown that the media could get away with a hatchet job and stacks of lies the likes of which I've never seen. [Maybe it happens a lot ... in this case I just happened to know a lot more about Sarah than virtually anyone in the media and virtually any of the readers from the "Lower 48" ... so this was the first time I'd seen such a level of pervasive disinformation.]
I clearly don't know as much about Obama as I do about Palin but I believe he did hang with some shady characters. I mean, do you know those folks on the Harvard Law Review!? :-) Actually though, he is a product of the Daley Chicago machine and I don't think there are any unshady people involved in that organization! And, despite the media howls; he does "pal around with terrorists". Youngsters [;-)] who, in the 60s and early 70s, weren't really cognizant of what was going may not understand. But overthrow of our "fascist" government was a huge plank for the radical left-wing, home-grown (albeit with foreign "advisers") terrorists. And Obama's pals have not even renounced their past or suggested that their beliefs have matured at all. A terrorist who doesn't change positions is still a terrorist ... whether they are currently strapping on suicide bombs or not. But this country has an amazing ability [not necessarily a good thing :-)] to elect people regardless of who they pal with. Kennedy was on a first name basis with Mafioso he clearly shouldn't have been.
No, my amazement that we elected Obama is the bizarre synchronicity of it all. Here we are in our biggest worldwide war against radical Muslims since; well, "we" weren't, but probably since the Crusades. And we elect someone with the strongest Muslim background of any president in history! We went to the "war that makes Viet Nam look like a peacekeeping mission" against a Hussein; now we have elected one as our president! We're actually in two wars. The principal player on the opposing team in the "other war" is Osama. I'm quite sure that we've never had a president prior to Obama whose name was that close to Osama.
Anyone named Barak, or similar, who heads a Muslim nation, should be concerned! :-) I presume that Omar Barak, autocratic head of Barakistan; a tiny nation with lots of oil [don't bother Googling, I made him up], is less nervous now than when Bush was president. I'm not sure that is wise. Obama hasn't exactly been sounding like a pacifist. He just thinks we picked the wrong war. Of course much of that was presumably political posturing rather than "the real Obama".
Indeed, that's part of what worries me. I don't know that any of us know who the "real" Obama is. I can't shake the feeling that he's not; that he is the puppet and the real question is who we elected that pulls the strings.
As you will see from some of the articles, there is a major problem that has been noted by several important people and then quickly swept under the carpet. Obama is an apostate. You don't have to be a fundamentalist Muslim for it to be your moral duty to ... well ... I don't even want to talk about anything that might make Joe Biden president! :-) But read my apostasy posts and see what the punditocracy is hiding from you on that!
Also, although initially, I thought it was just the wing-nuts ... as I've studied and watched the "evidence" come in ... I'm convinced there is an extremely good chance that Obama was born in Kenya and ineligible to be president! [I also believe it likely that he had no idea that he was until recently.]
There are multiple lawsuits on that issue ... if he was born in Hawaii, all he has to do to put the whole thing to rest is to produce his vault birth certificate. Granted, he shouldn't "have" to and he didn't. But his failure to quickly and easily put that issue to bed cost him a bunch of votes and politicians do many things they don't "have to" in order to gain votes! And ... well, the accusers did make their prima facia case that he was ineligible. I'm not so sure but what the burden should shift at that point to the candidate who is requesting the privilege to lead us to prove that he is constitutionally eligible to do so. Obama most certainly did not succeed in doing so if the burden of proof was on him.
As alluded to, I have a hunch that he was told by his mother that he was born in Hawaii and probably just believed that until this all exploded during the election. I think there is a good chance he was as surprised as anyone to find out he was born in Africa. But again; I'm afraid that if you disqualified him now, Biden would be president. And he is a far worse choice than Obama!
So Obama is our President and assuming (hopefully) that he survives, will be for four or eight years. So ... whether fervent backer or loyal opposition ... I think we need to expect that President Obama is here to stay and to act accordingly! At the moment, count me as part of the loyal opposition. If he gets too crazed with the power of Big Government ... we'll shorten that to just "opposition". If he doesn't go nuts on nutty issues like trying to ban firearms or completely socialize medicine ... I could end up a backer! I'm not betting on it, but I agree with him on many issues (eg: of course we should pursue research from embryonic stem cells! That is just a "duh" to me.) And I strongly disagree on many things with Sarah Palin (eg: I'm quite sure evolution managed just fine without any divine or other guidance and to teach out children that guided evolution is a valid theory is preposterous) ... I just disagree with each on a very different set of issues!
Above all, remember the ancient Chinese curse: "May You Live In Interesting Times". Because we definitely are. The next four years are going to be a wild roller coaster ride. Hang onto your hats! :-)
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