[Just click article titles, below]
...........................................................THE EXXON-VALDEZ .....................................................
.......................... ALASKA'S MOST DESTRUCTIVE "UN"NATURAL DISASTER......................

multinational corporation destroyed much of Alaska's
most pristine beautiful country;and then spent twenty
years successfully fighting to avoid paying exemplary
damages to the victims of their shockingly gross and
frankly absurd negligence:primarily the fishermen and
women who lived and who earned their living from the
waters and shores forever tarred and tarnished by (as
determined by a jury) Exxon corporation's actions.
The articles also show that the Federal Court System
may not be relied on to deliver justice and, saddest of
all, appear to demonstrate that "we the people" are at
the mercy of the corpocracy and that our last hope to
retain some of our freedoms, the courts, are lost also.
The Exxon-Valdez on Bligh Reef
surrounded by sheens of Alaskan
crude oil gushing from the vessel.
..................................................... ARTICLES ..............................................
.................EXXON: POURING OIL ON TROUBLED WATERS -- Part 1
...............................Why Exactly is it they Call it Good Friday?
.................EXXON: POURING OIL ON TROUBLED WATERS -- Part 2
...............................The Wreck of the Exxon-Valdez
.................EXXON: POURING OIL ON TROUBLED WATERS -- Part 3
...............................Being Exxon Means Never Having to say You're Sorry
.................EXXON: POURING OIL ON TROUBLED WATERS -- Part 4
..............................."We Don't Care - We Don't Have to Care - We're Exxon".
..............................Billions for Defense; Not One Penny to Pay Our Just Debts
..............................How the Grinch Stole Christmas
..............................The After Math
Alaska is an almost unfathomably large state. As such, it has substantial variations in its topography, climate, ecology, habitats, and, not to put too fine a point on it ... she

ANWR is one such region. If I haven't by the time you read this, then in the very near future I will post an article discussing ANWR and the "concerns" people have raised about drilling there. But, the vast bulk of ANWR is, to be blunt ... boring and ugly. Pouring oil on the frozen tundra would probably improve its appearance. But(!) Prince William Sound ("PWS") is not ANWR. PWS is absolutely gorgeous country on Alaska's southern coast. The waters are crystal clear and teem with life.
Or rather ... they used to. PWS is, by Alaska standards, warm and inviting; and nearly 1000 miles south of the desolate frozen North Slope! There are few places in Alaska (or indeed in the world) that would be worse places ecologically and esthetically to have a massive oil spill than the "used to be" pristine waters of Prince William Sound.
The pictures Are Sort of a "Before" and "After" view. All of that beautiful coastline in the "Before" picture was covered in the black goo of the "After" picture. It isn't as obvious now, 20 years later, but much remains. Dig just a little under those rocks and you'll still find Exxon-Valdez oil.
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