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Things are not as they seem ... Nor are they otherwise


Warning: Press at Your Peril - Thoughts and Ideas Inside!


Biden His Time

December 2, 2008
Biden His Time

There are some very good, well-meaning people out there who are still fighting the last war.

The election is over. McCain and Palin lost. Obama and Biden won. That isn't going to change. There are many people who are absolutely convinced that
Obama is not legally qualified for the office. The primary theory being that he was born in Kenya as his grandmother and other family members claimed. If indeed, he was not ... if he was born in Hawaii ... why not produce the "vault" birth certificate and simply shut everyone up instead of using every imaginable twist and turn to avoid doing so ... even in legal actions where he has been sued to make him produce it or face disqualification. There is a major ongoing petition drive to force him to produce it.

At this point, however, despite the best of intentions, this effort seems worse than useless as can be demonstrated by "editing" the competing bumper sticker contingents:

What people don't seem to realize is that if they actually managed to tilt over the windmill, we would be in at least as bad a position and actually, it would likely be worse. Perhaps significantly so.

The petition in itself may be worth signing. Not because it will do any tangible good but because it is important to keep the heat on and make people realize that not everyone is a kool-aid drinker.

That said … the answer to the question that many of the "still hopefuls" are gleefully asking: "What would happen if Obama was really proven to not qualify for the office?" is quite simple, clear-cut, and … not something to look forward to.

I don’t think it makes any difference whether it happened before or after he was sworn in, although I’m not positive about that. But certainly after January 20 what happens is: Joe “open mouth to change feet” Biden becomes President. Who knows? He may even have signed the petition under a pseudonym. Just Biden his time.

We all know a lot about Joe Biden and his record. It is hard not to since the man has been in the Senate for something like 36 years. There are few such well-known people whose views and philosophies are more antithetical to "truth, right and good" than Biden’s. And he’s not some wishy washy populist. He is dead set in his beliefs and ideologies by now. He is known as, and proud to wear the mantle of “liberal internationalist”. He is … well, in addition to itemizing his well-documented flat-out lies, I could spend an hour describing Biden’s politics, but suffice to say that I don’t think Obama ever flanked him to the left.

Don’t get me wrong. I think Obama is likely to prove to be a disaster for America. But the election is over; the Democrats won and even if we got rid of Obama we don’t get another crack at electing someone else. We get Biden. I fear that Obama may be as bad as Biden would be … although it would be hard to be much worse.

But(!) At least Obama, being younger, is, perhaps, not as set in his ways or as committed to his ideologies as Biden is. With him there is at least a chance that he will be “less terrible” than Biden. (Although I think Obama is really just a puppet anyway, so it probably makes no difference.)

If I sound like I’m defending him or even that I think he might be “ok” … I’m not. I'm an optimist at heart, however. It may be that someone elected on such a liberal platform is the only one who could get away with doing some things that the conservatives and libertarians would like to see done. Like only Nixon could go to China. Perhaps only Obama can actually tackle the Big Boy globalists and kneecap them before they destroy life as we know it. Only time will tell with Obama.

But there is no question with Biden. He is as set in his ways and beliefs as one can be. There is no "roll of the dice and hoping" like we (optimists in spite of all the reasons why we shouldn't be) are (having to do) with Obama.

All I’m saying is that even if we were successful in tossing him … I don’t know that we’d be in any better position than we are now. In fact ... I'd say the chances that things would improve are zip. I for one ... after some contemplation of the matter ... have decided that I should change horses in the middle of the stream since ... I finally realized we aren't in the middle of the stream any longer. We're on the far bank and the Dems won. Biden would be at least as bad as Obama and probably worse.

Ergo ... At this point, I think we are likely to be better served to do what we can to keep Obama in office!

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