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Things are not as they seem ... Nor are they otherwise


Warning: Press at Your Peril - Thoughts and Ideas Inside!


Mediagate aka Troopergate Report

Mediagate aka Troopergate Report

Ok, this is pathetic. I'm not a paranoid conspiratorialist. I'm neither a right wingnut or a left wingnut. But the pressosphere [the big money blogs have co-opted with links and advertising and are just part of the system now] has reached a new pathetic low.

The Anchorage Daily News just published an article they titled: Troopergate report: Palin abused power. They did this despite the fact that the main finding of the report was that what Palin did was "proper and lawful". From the notes posted to that article, it appears that papers around the country are using some variation on the same theme, even though the report exonerated her of any criminal wrongdoing.

And there are so many and such vicious anti-Palin comments that I wonder if they aren't mostly from "hired mudslingers"!

I am about to joint the paranoids! This is so far out of what (used to be) journalistically acceptable that I (who am never shocked) am shocked! :-)

This is the lead (thesis) sentence to the article:

"A legislative investigation has concluded that Gov. Sarah Palin abused her power in pushing for the firing of an Alaska state trooper who was once married to her sister, or by failing to prevent her husband Todd from doing so."

Please note the "or". It doesn't say "and". Indeed, it would be improper usage were it meant to include both actions which are separated by the word. In the explanation, the only specific gripe Branchflower (the investigator) could come up with is: "Palin failed to reign in her husband's inappropriate efforts".

This is what we've come to? We are living in a state; indeed in a country, where we are now required to control our spouses and it is an abuse of our position if we don't? (This despite the finding that what Sarah herself did was "proper and lawful".)

The report says she did nothing wrong except that she didn't stop Todd. (It says there was evidence that Sarah was also involved, but by not making the finding that she was, it means that the evidence did not overcome the "more probable than not" standard). So not controlling your spouse is now an ethical violation? Funny thing. My spouse has a mind of her own. I don't think she would like it if I tried to control her!

That is beyond inane. It is also complete poppycock legally (yes, I do know).

And sexist??? Holy Obama! Can you imagine what the reaction would be if a male governor, say Tony Knowles (a prior liberal male governor of Alaska) had been found to have committed an ethical violation and was chastised by the legislature and media (in world-wide headlines no less) solely on the finding that he failed to properly control his wife!? Can you imagine the screams (properly and appropriately) of furious women, liberals, feminists and those who just believe that woman are people too and should have all the same rights and be (legally) treated the same as men (a group of which I count myself a member)?

ADN and all the other pressosphere outlets that carried similar headlines should be ashamed. Based on this report (yes I read it - I even have a hard copy of it - it wasn't worth the trouble), the appropriate headline would be: "Troopergate Report: Palin's actions proper and lawful!"

This media absurdity is getting way out of hand. I knew it was bad, but this is truly intentionally deceptive and nationwide ... as a lead article and primary headlines! This isn't in the editorial section or just some two bit podunk newspaper. I'm disgusted.


Anonymous said...

This is stupid. Your Governor was caught with her hand in the cookie jar and you are saying anything you can to defend her AFTER SHE WAS FOUND GUITY!

You people sure love your crooked polititians don't you? Palin, Stevens and apparently most of the legistature is all on the take.

This woman will not be MY vice president (or worse president when ancient McCain topples over 10 minutes after being sworn in)!

Anonymous said...

Well, whaddaya know Backwoods! You actually got one right :-)

I didn't read the whole pile of garbage, but I read enough snippets (and the McCain team lawyer's response). Branchflower is a loose cannon who hates Palin anyway. There was no excuse for that crap in a formal government report - he was flat wrong underr the law (I didn't figure that out, although of course I could have :-) but I checked the sources for the McCain lawyer rebuttal and he's right. What Branchflower alleged that Sarah Palin did was not, by legal definition, an ethical violation or abuse of power! But what do you expect from a bought dork like Twigblossom? Even so I'm amazed that the report wasn't a lot worse knowing the man.

You know I have lots of issues with Palin, so I'm not one of those "on her side no matter what" idiots. If they'd found that she had really done anything wrong and I believed them, which I would if he had evidence to back it up)I'd be up in arms and probably carting recall petitions around. I figured they would (where there is smoke there is fire? This time it was all smoke and mirrors! Who could have expected an honest politicion?)

But a report like that from Twigblossom (unable to find anything she did wrong except control Todd - I liked how you analyzed that - but don't let it go to your head!) is like a ringing endorsement of a spotlessly ethical Administration.
Ak Joe