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Things are not as they seem ... Nor are they otherwise


Warning: Press at Your Peril - Thoughts and Ideas Inside!


Not Debatable

October 14, 2008
Not Debatable

The punditocracy is relatively unanimous [which is getting really boring and irritating, but they're all getting their pablum from the same sources] that McCain has only one last chance to "turn this thing around". By which they mean the final debate with Obama.

They are wrong. [Gee, what a surprise! :-)] But that may be how it ends up working out.

McCain's does have only one chance to "turn it around". But it isn't the debate; and the debate won't do it.

McCain is not the debater that Obama is. His brain works faster than his mouth and often what emerges is only a portion of the complete thought, making him appear out-of-touch. [Eg: I am sure the "that one" comment which caused such a stir in the last debate was part of a thought process that went something like "And which is the only candidate who voted for the tax increase? ... That one." as he points. But all that managed to come out from all that was "that one". He has no dementia, he is highly intelligent, sharp as a tack and actually a decent speaker. But he often doesn't come across well in a debate. A Presidential campaign is unbelievably exhausting and he's still full of fire and energy. He clearly is not too old or senile.

But he'll still lose because Barack is so smooth that John will sound dorky in comparison. Unfortunately, that is how the "winner" of the debate will largely be judged; not on the merits of their positions.

McCain's only chance, then, was (is) to point the public scrutiny spotlight at Obama ... there is SO much there that the public doesn't know! [Yes, I know. I need to get my series on Obama in print ... soon, I promise, soon! :-)] Even after so many months of campaigning, the public knows less about Obama than it does about Palin! And if they really looked at Obama's life and history ... they will conclude that this is a man who regularly makes incredibly bad judgments [at best].

The fact that McCain pulled back from trying to turn the spotlight worries me. It suggests that Obama "has" something on McCain and threatened to use it if McCain didn't stop. Perhaps it is something we know, but there hasn't been a lot of attention on (McCain has lots in his past that is less than flattering -it could be his wife's (past) prescription drug problem or any number of things.) Or it could be something we *don't* know yet which worries me more.

But it wasn't just polls that made McCain pull the attacks. Something behind the scenes happened. "When elephants play, the grass gets trampled." Us grasses probably will never know. But unless the spotlight is pointed on Obama's past "misjudgments" (which is totally legit since it is indicative of future judgments) ... then McCain has lost and this debate won't help him a bit.

I disagree with McCain on many things. He would not be my choice for President if I could just choose from the world at random :-) But that isn't the way the world works. It will either be McCain or Obama. And after he's sworn in and can be "himself", I have a great concern that this country is going to find itself sick and scared of what we did to ourselves in electing the most left-wing President in history.

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